Monday, December 22, 2014

You just have to play in the snow

This is Christmas week.  I don't know of very many people that are 'ready', except my oldest sister. But really, are we ever ready?  There is always one more gift to buy, one more thing we could bake and at some point we all say, I'm done!  Not doing anything else!  We feel we can't slow down.

This week we are in Estes Park, Colorado.  My grand kids have been several times in the summer but never in the winter.  Since they live in Texas, they rarely see snow...real snow...snow that falls all evening and into the night!  Imagine their excitement.

When they asked (late at night) if they could put on their snowsuits and go out and play, it was ever so tempting to say, No, wait until the morning.  It's too late, it's too cold!  In fact, I think a couple of the adults tried to talk them out of it.  Being the Grandma though I trumped the other adults.  (This one time.)  We got all bundled up and went out and made a few snow angels, threw a little snow, froze, came back inside.  And yes, it took longer to get all dressed and undressed than it did to actually be outside.

I would do it again because it was "THE BEST night",  all 5 minutes of it.   Would I have gone out by myself?  Absolutely
not.  Did I have time?  I didn't think so.  But it takes little kids to remind us to slow down and just go out in the snow.  Whatever I was going to do during that 5 minutes didn't get done.  I don't even remember what I was going to do.  It's not important.

This holiday break, don't tell your kids to wait.   Go play that game.   Go for that walk.  Read that book.  All the important stuff you need to do will wait.  I promise!

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