There is a lot of talk about God being in public schools, taking God out of public schools, putting God back, you name it and there is talk. I, by no means, mean to be little the argument but I think we are missing a bigger issue, to me anyway. I began teaching in the era when the principal or designated person said a quick prayer over the "PA" system. I remember some children not listening, some children still walking in, a few bowing heads, some teachers utilizing those few precious uninterrupted moments to do something and some teachers bowing their heads. I also remember mornings when the prayer was garbled and couldn't be understood because of the PA system.
I also taught and visited campuses in the current era where there is no formal prayer but a moment of silence. Guess what - I see the same thing. My first knee jerk reaction to people who think everything is falling apart because we no longer pray in public school is this: If your child's moral, ethical and spiritual life depends on an OZ type (unseen) person saying a generic prayer over an announcement system, we've got bigger issues. But that's just me.
To me, God is and always has been in public schools. God is in public schools when we take up coats for the children who have none. God is there when one child befriends the hard to like friend. God is there when one child stands up for another child. God is there when a teacher gives a child the benefit of doubt. God is there when teachers refuse to enter into gossip about parents or other less fortunate students. God is there when a teacher comforts an upset child. God is there when a child stands up to a bully. God is there when one child invites the 'mean' child to play at recess. God is there when a teacher is compassionate about the child who never has supplies. God is there when a teacher goes above and beyond to have a parent conference. God is there when a teacher never gives up on a child. God is there when a child shares. God is there when one child invites all the children to the birthday party and not just the favorites. God is there when...
If you want your child to pray, tell your child what to do when there is the moment of silence and then ask your child about it after school. Also, tell your child to be nice to the child that is hard to be nice to. You have control over your child.
Zoey made a friend, it didn't matter that it was an inanimate object, just as Blake, years ago had befriended plastic Ronald.
If you want God in schools, teach your child to be compassionate. Look for compassion in the teacher. God is there with or without the garbled prayer over the PA system.
Very good point, Teddi!