Thursday, July 10, 2014

School Supplies Gone Crazy

Let me say up front this in not meant to upset my teacher friends....but maybe give you pause for thought.

Nothing could invoke a debate or argument in our house faster than the topic of school supplies.  Being a teacher, I understood the need for supplies and yes, even had a supply list, within reason.   My husband on the other hand would go into his yearly tirade about free public education and why did school supplies cost us the national debt?  Why did we have to take out a loan just to cover school supplies?  For three children it was a lot!  There were years when our children had to take them in stages the first few weeks because we couldn't afford all the supplies for all three right at the beginning of the year.  Yes, yes, I know some people buy supplies through the summer.  I did that once only to find out that the teacher had her own list that was handed out the first day of school.

I might exaggerate a little bit but it is true.  Every summer when I see the school supply lists in the stores my heart starts to race.  I have been known to stop and console a crying parent, yes crying, in the aisle at the store because their list says a specific type of marker which just happens to be twice the price of the store brand.  I tried to explain that any marker will do and the teacher will be thrilled to have them.  Of course they don't believe me, I am just a crazy woman interrupting their shopping.  Most parents are afraid to veer from the list or upset the teacher before the year even starts.

I will be the first to agree that children need to bring pencils, crayons, scissors, etc.  But being a teacher, I know full well what is for the teacher and what the students will be using.   A ream of copy paper, really?  If a teacher goes through that much paper in one year for little  kids (that's at least 22 reams) maybe the use of paper should be rethought. Treasures for the treasure box?
It is out of control.  As teachers we don't make a lot, I get that.  Let me add though that compared to 1980 it's a lot.  Let me also add that for many, it is more than the parent trying to buy the supplies.  I digressed, though.  The final straw for my husband one year, was when we confessed we had not bought the supplies yet, but we would send them.  The teacher said, "Oh don't buy any of that now, I have more than enough.  Instead get...."   Imagine our conversation on the way home!

For parents, here is my suggestion.  Before you get upset, if there is something on the list that you aren't sure how it will be used - ask.  One year our supply list had a specific type of glue stick listed.  We had already bought the off brand because I could get a pack cheaper than the individual one. The teacher returned it and explained that the one she requested fit better in her drawer.  Really? If you can't buy all of it at once, don't worry about it.   Tell the teacher you will send them later.  There is no state law saying that all supplies are due the first day of school. I know teachers like to have everything put away immediately, but really it will be fine.

For my teacher friends, seriously think through your supply list.   I know you spend a lot of your own money.   But is that supply that important to pass the cost to the parent?   Sometimes your answer will be an absolute yes, but other times?  If they don't send it, let it go.  If they send it in stages, let it go.   If they send the wrong size glue stick ......let it go!  If it is that important, call me.  I will buy it for you.   There is nothing worse than a child being upset over silly school supplies.

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